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Travel diary


Hi there!!


Dear friends,

we are Elisa and Michele, two italian social workers. We are now in Ankara for the European Leonardo Da Vinci Program and our intermediate Association is OPAL.

Actually we are doing our internship with Çankaya Municipality, that is carrying out two Projects called Çaçoy and Cangel Café, organized for and implemented by disable young people. The overall aim of these projects is to ensure the integration of people having mental or physical disabilities through a wooden children’s toys workshop and a café where they can improve their abilities as assistant service staff.

This is a great experience for us and a chance for our profession growth. We are receiving many positive feedback from our Turkish friends in spite of the language barrier.  We are discovering the opportunity to communicate with them through our empathy.


Stand up people!

Elisa and Michele



Hello guys!!!! 


After given a glimpse of us and about what are we doing (surely you’ve read our first article about our meeting with the turkish politician, Șafak Pavay) we would like also tell something deeply about us.

Here we are! We are a group of 5 young Italian women joined OPAL’s staff to elaborate social project here, in Turkey. In this period we are working hard to find a way to promote social integration of unemployed single-moms at risk of poverty.

We are looking for an effective way to get them, to understand their context of origin and to provide a range of interventions, designed to enhance their independence.

We must find the best way to achieve our goal!!

With this presentation we also want to emphasize and inform You that we are open to any kind of food for thought and suggestion.


Stand up people! ROAR!!!


Cinzia, Samantha, Paola, Maria Laura and Carolina